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Hi! I'm Peter

Hi! I’m Peter Schnell, a senior at Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon. I’m a full IB student, sailor, outdoor adventurer, robot-builder, craftsperson and inventor. This website showcases some of my extracurricular activities and projects.


Sailing: I started sailing when I was nine, and have been racing sailboats ever since, starting in Optis, and now in C420s, FJs, I420s and some keelboats. Being out on the water, with the raw elements, and using the wind to zoom around, brings me so much joy. I love the challenge of racing too, because there is so much strategy involved. Over the summer, I competed in two US Sailing national championships, and participated in Olympic Development Training.


Outdoor Adventures:  I’m highly involved in Post 58, a student run club committed to getting more high-schoolers outdoors. I participated in the Post 58 Leadership course which taught me outdoor leadership skills, how to make decisions, work as a group, and to be aware of our situation at all times. I have gone on over 20 trips with the Post, reaching the summit of 4 mountains, nearly summiting 3 more, backpacked through snow and rain, and led other Postees on many hikes. Outside of the Post, I also spend time backpacking, skiing, kiteboarding, hydrofoiling, traveling, or going on random adventures whenever I can--the more remote and extreme, the better.


Robot builder: I participate in the FIRST Tech Challenge and serve as the mechanical engineer/designer/builder for my team. I am also part of the drive team that gets to manipulate the robot during competitions.


Craftsperson: The time I spend fully focused on crafting an object is some of the most precious to me--solely in the moment with a single objective. I love traditional hand arts from weaving/crocheting to forging to woodworking to basketry. I’ve dabbled in many crafts, experimenting and learning, trying to revive creative arts which are slowly being forgotten by society.


Inventor: One of the things I enjoy about making things is that I can make it any way I want and end up with something truly unique to me. I enjoy experimenting with new techniques and designs. I also created my own hydrofoil, using epoxy, fiberglass, and wood, to experiment with wing designs for the maximum possible speed.

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